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Caoua Vs Kawa



Do you know what the difference between Caoua and Kawa is? The word Caoua has bin add recently to most of French (and some European) dictionary, which mean coffee (drink). In fact the word Coffee is derived from the Arabic word Qah'wa over Ottoman Turkish Kahve, which originally meant wine or other intoxicating liquors. Studies are contradictory as to whether coffee has any specific health benefits, and similarly results are conflicting with respect to negative effects of coffee consumption The phonetic Caoua is the same as Kawa [kawa] but the meaning is different. Kawa is an age-old herbal drink that was the potion of choice for the royal families of the South Pacific. Kawa or (Kava) is a drink with proven medicinal effects it’s a special anti-depressant components fight the "blues" and bring on a happy, tranquil state. Kava is amazing for treating ailments like migraine headaches and cramps but best of all, it keeps the mind alert as the body relaxes Qah’wa ,Caoua, Kahwa, Kahve, Café, Kawa , Kava.


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Welcome man tothe blogosphere !

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