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Viva Carthago - Les Naufragés de Carthage Not as expected

You hear good Things I have read many ticket in different blog, and many news on the net about the Tunisia's first animated movie “Shipwrecked Carthaginians” (“Les Naufragés de Carthage”). All of them are saying well about the movie. You can read some of them here.〈=en You found no one So Last night, I have bin in Hannibal Cinema, with my tow friends AbdelKarim and MohamedAli to watch the screening of this movie, and to see how worth it is. We was there at 20h50PM but we was the only there visitor there. Oh Yes there where no one except the tree of us. That was the first deception for me, but it was also an occasion form me and Kimou to take some photos in our “private cinema  “. The real Deception About the film it self, the quality of characters were quit good it was nearly the some as the Walt Disney Cartoon’s characters. The animation it self was... let’s say acceptable, some times you see blur motion but it is the first Tunisian experience. But the sound track was really missing in this Film. The real Deception is the movie scenario it self. There was no introduction; it was as if you haven’t started the film from the beginning. In fact the film was not a real length animated film but just three random episodes from the series “Viva carthago” witch are collapsed in mixed one behind the other to make one film. So you can not understand the story because the first episode was missing and because there where no single story but three stories in one film. Conclusion I think that cinétéléfilms has spent a lot of time (6years) and a lot of many (6 millions €) to produce the series Viva Carthago witch may be a good series. But we can not say that cinétéléfilms has produced a real length animated film may be it was just a trailer for the series. Any way I still support this company for all what she is trying to do and I hope that the next movie “Ségou Fanga” will be really better.


Anonymous said…
The tunisianstuff have writen the story, created the heros, the rest was done by a french compagny, so where "Tunisian" in all this garabage ? I was really dispointed like you.
Anonymous said…
If what karim said is true, really we can't say that it is a tunisian cartoon film.
In other hand, captured image encorage me to see this film (thx caoua ;) )
Anonymous said…
Salem , et9oul selman et abd lekrim et med ali itfarrjou fi el chambre de salmen sur son PC
salman dit " osket filem ...."

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