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Divine Gospel

Yesterday, in the Municipal Theater of Tunis there has been the Divine Gospel show. I was there with my friends Maher and Haithem. We have already bought the tickets one day before the show but the only places that we found were the Orchestras “the last floor” and yesterday all the tickets were already sold. About the show itself, it is really a very nice show. The band composed of 3 men (percussionist, bassist, and pianist) and 4 women how sing diva and coral have song Gospel blues and reggae too. I have really enjoyed famous song of the Beatles “let it be” and one of the legendary songs of Bob Marley. Every one there enjoyed the show and some of them have song with coral at the end of the show.


Anonymous said…
Damn, I was wlling to get there, unfortunaly I was nailed at home!
Yssem Saadi said…
moi j'étais à assis à l'amphitheatre, au tout dernier niveau et juste contre le mur en plein mileu face à la scene, on était à quelques cm du plafond :p

les voix superbes, surtout celle de la toute jeune d'entre elles
psynaj said…
sahha lik comme j'aurais aimé assister à ce spectacle!

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