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Ramadan Blogger meet-up 2...My first

This one was taken by Karim2k's camera
To day Friday October the 13th. It was a rainy day. But today it is also the Ramadan Blogger meet-up 2. I have never bin in such meet-up but have already seen many posts of the pasts. I have promised Karim2k to come this time. Because I'm really interested of meeting other blogger to exchange knowledge and to know some blogger too. I have just prepared my self to go out and It started to rain cats and dogs. I told my self i have to wait for a wile than I'll go out. And so I do but it still raining I tried to find a Taxi but when you really need a taxi you'll never found it. So I start walking on the rain, harrying up some times and some times enjoying the fresh water waiting my face. Well At the end I reached The El Maida Restaurant In Palestinian Street just 3 or for mnt after "El Moghrb" and I found Karim and 3other blogger that I don't know of course because I'm just a new blogger and it is my first meet-up. I have Enjoyed the dinner "Brick chorba and Tajin" this restaurant have kept his nice cooking quality and the place it self it was really smart. So We have talked as intended about our blogs but also about Tunis , Algeria and Morocco. We have esspecaly talked about the to biggest event that are happening this days the "Hijabes posts" and the "tn-blog cleaning up" and since this tow subject where so important we have talked about it again when we moved to Champion's Coffee. Once in the coffee more and more blogger (and no-blogger too) start to join us. We have focused the the tn-blog cleaning subject. Karim2k where 100% witch the idea of Houssin where the Most of the rest have found that Mr Hussin haven't the right to judge a blog to be good or bad he can't do this because what i judge bad you can judged good but he can say that some blog are not suiting the objective of the tn-blog or some blog are not following the tn-blog rules in that case he should post before the tn-blog objective and rules I have to add that nearly all the blogger present today agree that Houssin is doing a hard work and a nice job administering the tn-blog but making such segregation is not following the spirit of blogging specially. Finally, I have to say that I have really enjoyed the meet-up, the subject involved, making new fiends and the dinner too. Hope to meet more blogger next time and to speak about other interesting subject.


Karim2k said…
Yo selmen , you're so fast ! thatwas areal pleasure to getyou in the metup !
OthRez said…
Cheeeeeeeeers !
Happy to meet u dude !
Hope we see u during the next meetup :)
Keep blogging ;)
houssem said…
ravi de t'avoir rencontré
Anonymous said…
Bravo les amis de vous etre déplacé par ce temps... Moi j'etais incapable de sortir...
A une prochaine
Anonymous said…
it was a pleasure too !
Anonymous said…
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the nice meetup we had.
Good post

@Stupteur hard luck friend
@Emma Hard luck too
Anonymous said…
Aslama...Vous etes peut etre choisis parmis les meilleurs "Blogsite" Tunisien sur Radio-Nissma "Germany".Ce Radio qui vous presentes des nouveaux nouvelles Blogs, chaque Mercredi 21:00h C Live Chat Bloger.
Anonymous said…
t'aurai dû demander avant de mettre les photos !!!
Anonymous said…
Merci pour le conte rendu :)

By the way, did I talk about me judging blogs as being good or bad?
I do not recall saing that, ever!

All I have sad is that I will not add blogs that are heavily copy/pasting articles, rarely creating their own original content, using SMS langage, and deleting blogs that are inactive for long time.

If I start deleting blogs that I don't like, 80% of them would be out you know ;-)
Anonymous said…
u're so swifty :b
jolies photos g voulu assister mé g du assister au meet up fi stade menzah :)
sympa ton blog
Anonymous said…
So who is who on the photos???
Anonymous said…
Je te souhaite une joyeuse fête d'Aïd!

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